







197310月生,江西湖口人,现为新浦京澳门棋牌平台教授,博士生导师。20063月获北京工业大学机械设计及理论专业博士学位。2006年底赴香港城市大学从事短期合作研究。2010年获国家留学基金委全额资助赴英国University College London做访问学者一年。2008年同时入选北京市科技新星和北京市组织部优秀人才培养计划,20119月破格获聘见习教授岗,2012年入选北京市青年拔尖人才培育计划。2013年入选校京华人才和校青年导师国际化能力发展计划,20147月晋升教授。2021年获北京工业大学研究生课程教学名师。



(1) 2002-07 2006-03, 北京工业大学, 机械设计及理论, 博士

(2) 2000-09 2002-06, 北京工业大学, 固体力学, 硕士(直博)

(3) 1991-09 1995-06, 南方冶金学院, 矿山机械, 学士


(1) 2022-11 至 今, 北京工业大学, 新浦京澳门棋牌平台, 教授

(2) 2018-04 2022-10, 北京工业大学, 材料与制造学部, 教授

(3) 2014-07 2018-03, 北京工业大学, 机械工程与应用电子技术学院, 教授

(4) 2008-12 2014-06, 北京工业大学, 机械工程与应用电子技术学院, 副教授

(5) 2010-08 2011-08, 伦敦大学学院, 机械工程系, 访问学者

(6) 2006-06 2008-11, 北京工业大学, 机械工程与应用电子技术学院, 讲师

(7) 2006-10 2007-02, 香港城市大学, 制造工程与工程管理系, 研究助理


现为《无损检测》《测控技术》《北京工业大学学报》编委,《Sensors》专刊主编,中国无损检测学会超声检测专业委员会副主任委员,中国仪器仪表学会设备结构健康监测与预警分会常务理事,全国设备结构健康监测标准化工作组委员兼副秘书长,中国声学学会高级会员,中国机械工程学会高级会员,ASNT北京分部项目委员会主席,国家自然科学基金和北京市、黑龙江省等九省市自然科学基金的同行评议专家,中国工程教育仪器类专业认证专家,科技部国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项项目会评专家,科技部创新人才项目会评专家,国家发改委两业融合发展项目会评专家,国家留学基金评审专家,NDT&E InternationalIEEE Sensors JournalUltrasonicsSmart Materials and StructuresMaterials EvaluationWave Motion、机械工程学报、工程力学、实验力学、振动与冲击、无损检测等30多个国内外学术期刊审稿人。





(1) 高温承压部件典型材质劣化磁声多参数检测技术装备研发.国家重点研发计划项目课题.

(2) 再制造重型装备质量评价体系与工程示范.国家重点研发计划项目课题.

(3) 典型机电类特种设备多参数监检测技术研究.国家重点研发计划项目任务.

(4) 海洋装备关重件金属涂层损伤电磁声多参量定量评估方法研究.国家自然科学基金项目.

(5) 基于太赫兹时域光谱技术的热障涂层性能退化评价方法研究.北京市自然科学基金项目.

(6) 铁磁性材料热老化磁声复合检测技术研究及仪器研制.国家自然科学基金项目.

(7) 大型金属板状结构的激光Lamb波相控阵列检测技术研究.国家自然科学基金项目.

(8) 基于稀疏双模传感器阵列的超声导波在役风力机叶片结构健康监测技术研究.国家自然科学基金项目.

(9) 基于时间反转法的风力机叶片超声导波扫描成像检测技术研究.国家自然科学基金项目.

(10) 基于时间反转法的厚壁管道周向导波检测技术研究.北京市教委项目.


(1) 防撞护栏钢立柱埋植深度无损检测技术研究与设备研制. 浙江省科学技术奖.2013.

(2) 管道腐蚀阵列超声导波无损检测关键技术及仪器研发. 中国职业安全健康协会科学技术奖一等奖.2019.

(3) 基于纵向导波的岩层锚固锚杆支护结构健康检测及应用. 中国有色金属工业科学技术奖三等奖.2018.




(1) 专、译著

[1] 刘增华,赵欣,何存富. 超声导波电磁声传感器的设计与应用. 科学出版社.2022.

[2] 吴斌,何存富,焦敬品,刘增华译.James F. Doyle. 结构中波的传播. 科学出版社.2013.


(2) 代表性学术论文

[01] Zhaojing Lu, Zenghua Liu, Wenshuo Jiang, Bin Wu, Cunfu He. Intelligent defect location of U-shaped boom using helical guided waves. Structural Health Monitoring. DOI: 10.1177/14759217221135651.

[02] Zenghua Liu, Lixin Sun, Yanhong Guo, Bin Wu, Cunfu He. A magnetic shielding-type PEC sensor with a canister structure and magnetic core. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2023,23(7):6697-6705.

[03] Zenghua Liu, Zhaojing Lu, Wenshuo Jiang, Yanhong Guo, Cunfu He. Damage probability imaging of a U-shaped boom based on improved permanent periodic magnet electromagnetic acoustic transducers. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation. DOI: 10.1080/10589759.2023.2180508.

[04] Xiaofei Huang, Zenghua Liu, Yu Gong, Sha Wu, Kewei Chen, Cunfu He. Quantitative estimation of Fe-based amorphous coating thickness based on pulsed eddy current technology. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation. 2023,42(1):1(11pp).

[05] Xin Zhao, Zenghua Liu, Yanhong Guo, Cunfu He, Bin Wu. An advanced magnetoacoustic compound inspection method of high-order mode EMAT. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2022,22(1):229-239.

[06] Yu Gong, Xiaofei Huang, Zenghua Liu, Fei Deng, Yufeng Wu, Cunfu He. Development of a cone-shaped pulsed eddy current sensor. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2022,22(4):3129-3136.

[07] Zenghua Liu, Runxin Man, Kexin Wang, Yuheng Wu. Nondestructive evaluation of coating defects and uniformity based on terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Materials Evaluation. 2022,80(9):34-43.

[08] Xin Zhao, Zenghua Liu, Yu Gong, Zhilin Huo, Zhengyu Chen, Cunfu He, Bin Wu. Performance degradation detection of 12CrMoV steel by magneto-acoustic compound inspection method. NDT&E International. 2021, 124:102525(11pp).

[09] Sha Wu, Zenghua Liu, Xiaofei Huang, Yufeng Wu, Yu Gong. Process parameter optimization and EBSD analysis of Ni60A-25% WC laser cladding. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. 2021,101:105675(16pp).

[10] Honglei Chen, Zenghua Liu, Yu Gong, Bin Wu, Cunfu He. Evolutionary strategy-based intelligent location algorithm for Lamb wave defect detection with sparse array. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. 2021, 68(6): 2277-2293.

[11] Zenghua Liu, Zhilin Huo, Aili Li, Cunfu He, Bin Wu. Development of an omnidirectional SH0 mode electromagnetic acoustic transducer employing periodic permanent magnet. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2021,21(6):7691-7701.

[12] Honglei Chen, Zenghua Liu, Bin Wu, Cunfu He. A technique based on nonlinear Hanning windowed Chirplet model and genetic algorithm for parameter estimation of Lamb wave signals. Ultrasonics. 2021,111:106333(16pp).

[13] Abdul Basit, Zenghua Liu, Mubarak Ahmad, Wu Bin, Cunfu He. A novel method for evaluation of surface breaking crack using position time graph. Instruments and Experimental Techniques. 2021,64(1):107-116.

[14] 陈洪磊,刘增华,李子明,吴斌,何存富. 有限单元法在超声导波检测技术中的应用研究. 力学进展.2020,50:202009(48pp).

[15] Honglei Chen, Zenghua Liu, Bin Wu, Cunfu He. A nonlinear Hanning-windowed Chirplet model for ultrasonic guided waves signal parameter representation. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation.2020,39(3):65(17pp).

[16] Zenghua Liu, Qiuling Peng, Xin Li, Cunfu He, Bin Wu. Acoustic emission source localization using generalized regression neural network based on time difference mapping method. Experimental Mechanics. 2020, 60(5): 679-694.

[17] 刘增华,彭秋玲,何存富,吴斌. 复合材料板声发射源定位的时间差映射方法. 声学学报.2020,45(3):385-393.

[18] 刘增华,彭秋玲,李欣,何存富,吴斌. 基于时间差映射方法的钢板声发射源定位. 应用基础与工程科学学报. 2020,48(2):475-485.

[19] Zenghua Liu, Xin Zhao, Ning Pei, Zhilin Huo, Zhengyu Chen, Cunfu He, Bin Wu. Numerical decoupling study of EMAT testing signal for ferromagnetic materials. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2020,20(7):3476-3486.

[20] Zenghua Liu, Aili Li, Yongchen Zhang, Liming Deng, Bin Wu, Cunfu He. Development of a directional magnetic-concentrator-type electromagnetic acoustic transducer for ultrasonic guided wave inspection. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2020,303:111859(15pp).

[21] Zenghua Liu, Liming Deng, Yongchen Zhang, Aili Li, Wu Bin, Cunfu He. Development of a mode-tuning magnetic-concentrator-type electromagnetic acoustic transducer. Ultrasonics. 2020,103: 106094(15pp).

[22] Zenghua Liu, Aili Li, Bin Wu, Cunfu He. Development of a wholly flexible surface wave electromagnetic acoustic transducer for pipe inspection. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics.2020,62(1):13-29.

[23] Zenghua Liu, Liming Deng, Yongchen Zhang, Aili Li, Wu Bin, Cunfu He. Development of an omni-directional magnetic concentrator type electromagnetic acoustic transducer. NDT&E International.2020,109:102193(14pp).

[24] 何存富,李子明,刘增华,冯雪健,任捷,吴斌. 基于空间-频率-波数法的梁中分层缺陷定量检测. 机械工程学报.2019,55(6):74-82.

[25] Zenghua Liu, Xin Zhao, Jiaqi Li, Cunfu He, Wu Bin. Obliquely incident EMAT for high-order Lamb wave mode generation based on inclined static magnetic field. NDT&E International. 2019,104:124-134.

[26] Zenghua Liu, Yongchen Zhang, Aili Li, Muwen Xie, Wu Bin, Cunfu He. Development of a shear horizontal wave electromagnetic acoustic transducer with periodic grating coil. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics. 2019,60(4):545-563.

[27] Ziming Li, Cunfu He, Zenghua Liu, Bin Wu. Quantitative detection of lamination defect in thin-walled metallic pipe by using circumferential Lamb waves based on wavenumber analysis method. NDT&E International. 2019,102:56-67.

[28] 刘增华,冯雪健,陈洪磊,何存富,吴斌. 基于波数分析的激光Lamb波缺陷检测实验研究. 机械工程学报. 2018,54(18):23-32.

[29] Zenghua Liu, Jiufu Yao, Cunfu He, Ziming Li, Xiucheng Liu, Bin Wu. Development of a bidirectional-excitation eddy-current sensor with magnetic shielding: Detection of subsurface defects in stainless steel. IEEE Sensors Journal.2018,18(5): 6203-6216.

[30] Zenghua Liu, Honglei Chen, Kunming Sun, Cunfu He, Bin Wu. Full non-contact laser-based Lamb waves phased array inspection of aluminum plate. Journal of Visualization.2018,21(5):751-761.

[31] Zenghua Liu, Yongchen Zhang, Muwen Xie, Aili Li, Wu Bin, Cunfu He. A direction-tunable shear horizontal mode array magnetostrictive patch transducer. NDT&E International. 2018,97:20-31.

[32] Zenghua Liu, Tuocan Dong, Qiuling Peng, Cunfu He, Qiufeng Li, Bin Wu. AE source localization in steel plate with the dispersive A0 mode based on the cross-correlation method and time reversal principle. Materials Evaluation.2018,76(3):371-382.

[33] Ziming Li, Cunfu He, Zenghua Liu, Yan Lv, Bin Wu. Interaction between circumferential Lamb waves with lamination located in the midplane of a metallic pipe. Transaction of ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology. 2018,140(1):011406-1-15.

[34] Zenghua Liu, Yanan Hu, Muwen Xie, Bin Wu, Cunfu He. Development of omnidirectional A0 mode EMAT employing a concentric permanent magnet pairs with opposite polarity for plate inspection. NDT&E International. 2018,94:13-21.

[35] Zenghua Liu, Xuwen Zhong, Muwen Xie, Xiucheng Liu, Cunfu He, Bin Wu. Damage imaging in composite plate by using omnidirectional shear-horizontal wave magnetostrictive patch transducer array. Advanced Composite Materials. 2017,26(s1): 67-78.

[36] Zenghua Liu, Xuwen Zhong, Tuocan Dong, Cunfu He, Bin Wu. Delamination detection in composite plates by synthesizing time-reversed Lamb waves and a modified damage imaging algorithm based on RAPID. Structural Control and Health Monitoring.2017,24(5):e1919(17pp).

[37] Zenghua Liu, Yanan Hu, Junwei Fan, Wuliang Yin, Xiucheng Liu, Cunfu He, Bin Wu. Longitudinal mode magnetostrictive patch transducer array employing a multi-splitting meander coil for pipe inspection. NDT&E International.2016,79:30-37.

[38] Zenghua Liu, Kunming Sun, Guorong Song, Cunfu He, Bin Wu. Damage localization in aluminum plate with compact rectangular phased piezoelectric transducer. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing.2016,70-71: 625-636.

[39] 刘增华,穆云龙,宋国荣,何存富,吴斌. 复合材料板Chirp激励的Lamb波成像技术研究. 仪器仪表学报.2015,36(9):1961-1971.

[40] 刘增华,樊军伟,何存富,吴斌基于全向型S0模态磁致伸缩传感器的无参考缺陷成像方法研究. 机械工程学报.2015,51(10):8-16.

[41] 刘增华,樊军伟,何存富,吴斌基于概率损伤算法的复合材料板空气耦合Lamb波扫描成像. 复合材料学报.2015,32(1):227-235.

[42] Zenghua Liu, Hongtao Yu, Junwei Fan, Yanan Hu, Cunfu He, Bin Wu. Baseline-free delamination inspection in composite plates by synthesizing non-contact air-coupled Lamb wave scan method and virtual time reversal algorithm. Smart Materials and Structures. 2015,24(4):045014(15pp).

[43] Zenghua Liu, Junwei Fan, Yanan Hu, Cunfu He, Bin Wu. Torsional mode magnetostrictive patch transducer array employing a modified planar solenoid array coil for pipe inspection. NDT&E International.2015,69:9-15.

[44] Zenghua Liu, Qinglong Xu, Yu Gong, Cunfu He, Bin Wu. A new multichannel time reversal focusing method for circumferential Lamb waves and its applications for defect detection in thick-walled pipe with large-diameter. Ultrasonics. 2014,54(7): 1967-1976.

[45] Zenghua Liu, Hongtao Yu, Cunfu He, Bin Wu. Delamination detection in composite beams using pure Lamb mode generated by air-coupled ultrasonic transducer. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2014,25(5):541-550.

[46] Zenghua Liu, Fengxiang Yu, Ru Wei, Cunfu He, Bin Wu. Image fusion based on single-frequency guided wave mode signals for structural health monitoring in composite plates. Materials Evaluation.2013,71(12):1434-1443.

[47] Cunfu He, Hongye Liu, Zenghua Liu, Bin Wu. The propagation of coupled Lamb waves in multilayered arbitrary anisotropic composite laminates. Journal of Sound and Vibration.2013,332 (26):7243-7256.

[48] Zenghua Liu, Hongtao Yu, Cunfu He, Bin Wu. Delamination damage detection of laminated composite beams using air-coupled ultrasonic transducers. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy.2013,56(7): 1269-1279.

[49] Zenghua Liu, Jichen Zhao, Bin Wu, Cunfu He. Temperature dependence of ultrasonic longitudinal guided wave propagation in long range steel strands. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering.2011,24(3):494-501.

[50] Zenghua Liu, Jichen Zhao, Bin Wu, Yinong Zhang, Cunfu He. Configuration optimization of magnetostrictive transducers for longitudinal guided wave inspection in seven-wire steel strands. NDT&E International. 2010,43(6):484-492.

[51] Zenghua Liu, Bin Wu, Cunfu He, Xiuyan Wang, Shiming Yang. A new transducer for torsional guided wave generation and defect detection. Insight. 2007,49(1):41-43.

[52] Zenghua Liu, Cunfu He, Bin Wu, Xiuyan Wang, Shiming Yang. Circumferential and longitudinal defect detection using T(0,1) mode excited by thickness shear mode piezoelectric transducers. Ultrasonics. 2006, 44:e1135-e1138.

[53] Zenghua Liu, Bin Wu, Cunfu He, Shiming Yang, Xiuyan Wang. Detection of longitudinal defect in pipes using torsional modes. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2006,19(1):146-150.

[54] 刘增华,樊军伟,何存富,吴斌.基于概率损伤算法的复合材料板空气耦合Lamb波扫描成像.复合材料学报.2015,32(1):227-235.

[55] 刘增华,徐营赞,何存富,吴斌.板状结构中基于Lamb波单模态的缺陷成像试验研究.工程力学.2014,31(4):232-238.

[56] 刘增华,颉小东,吴斌,焦敬品,宋国荣,何存富.基于连续小波变换的厚壁管道周向导波扫描成像试验研究.机械工程学报.2013,49(2):14-19.

[57] 刘增华,余锋祥,于洪涛,何存富,吴斌.基于群速度校准的超声导波技术及在复合材料缺陷检测中的应用.机械工程学报.2012,48(20):8-15.


(3) 代表性国家发明专利和软件著作权

[01] 刘增华,陈洪磊,鲁朝静,吴斌,何存富. 一种应用于大型板壳结构的智能兰姆波缺陷定位方法. 国家发明专利专利号:ZL202010192425.2.

[02] 刘增华,刘泽华,李佳奇,赵欣,张永琛,何存富,吴斌. 一种基于变角度磁集中器的全向型高阶Lamb波模态电磁声传感器. 国家发明专利专利号:ZL201910996477.2.

[03] 刘增华,王可心,吴育衡,满润昕,何存富,吴斌. 基于进化优化算法的反射式太赫兹时域光谱厚度测量方法. 国家发明专利专利号:ZL202010671319.2.

[04] 刘增华,李艾丽,赵欣,何存富,吴斌一种周期永磁铁式全向型水平剪切模态电磁声换能器国家发明专利专利号:ZL201910459020.8.

[05] 刘增华,李艾丽,张永琛,何存富,吴斌一种指向型磁集中器式兰姆波电磁声换能器国家发明专利专利号:ZL201910459551.7.

[06] 刘增华,邓黎明,张永琛,何存富,吴斌一种全向型磁集中器式兰姆波电磁声换能器国家发明专利专利号:ZL201910459547.0.

[07] 刘增华,邓黎明,张永琛,何存富,吴斌一种变模态磁集中器式兰姆波电磁声换能器国家发明专利.专利号:ZL201910459550.2.

[08] 刘增华,王可心,冯雪健,何存富,吴斌基于嵌入式系统的兆赫兹阻抗测量计国家发明专利.专利号:ZL201811112787.5.

[09] 刘增华,赵欣,李佳奇,何存富,吴斌一种基于倾斜静磁场的斜入射式电磁声传感器国家发明专利.专利号:ZL201811232524.8.

[10] 刘增华,冯雪健,陈洪磊,马春雷,何存富,吴斌基于激光Lamb波频率-波数分析的金属板缺陷定位方法国家发明专利.专利号:ZL201710125692.6.

[11] 刘增华,张宇,高檗,何存富,吴斌基于全波形反演法的起重机异性截面结构起重伸缩臂的检测方法国家发明专利.专利号:ZL201810176499.X.

[12] 刘增华,郑嘉裕,曹瑾瑾,何存富,吴斌一种机电阻抗结构损伤监测的温度补偿方法国家发明专利.专利号:ZL201810248261.3.

[13] 刘增华,姚久富,刘秀成,杨杰明,刘太丽,吴斌,何存富一种磁屏蔽型的双向激励涡流传感器国家发明专利.专利号:ZL201710125700.7.

[14] 刘增华,钟栩文,谢穆文,刘秀成,吕炎,何存富,吴斌一种基于柔性磁铁的电磁声表面波传感器国家发明专利.专利号:ZL201610600135.0.

[15] 刘增华,罗强,王炎,秦术攀,何存富一种用于支架结构的可拆卸套筒式力传感器国家发明专利.专利号:ZL201610258516.5.

[16] 刘增华,何存富,吴斌钢绞线预应力的高阶纵向导波测量方法.国家发明专利国家发明专利.专利号:ZL 200810240891.2.

[17] 刘增华,何存富,吴斌,王秀彦,杨士明一种对带粘弹性包覆层充液管道无损检测的方法国家发明专利.专利号:ZL 200610072880.9.

[18] 刘增华,吴斌,何存富,王秀彦一种对带粘弹性包覆层充液管道导波检测的方法国家发明专利.专利号:ZL 200610072881.3.

[19] 何存富,刘增华,吴斌,樊尚春,张力新基于超声导波技术的管道液体流量测量方法国家发明专利.专利号:ZL200910088842.6.

[20] 刘增华,于洪涛,何存富,吴斌.基于机电阻抗方法的结构健康状况监测软件V1.0. 软件著作权登记号:2011SRBJ4915.

[21] 刘增华,邓黎明,王铭权,唐国耀,何存富电磁铁式电磁声换能器检测系统上位机软件. 2021SR0652766.

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