新浦京澳门棋牌平台教授、博士生导师。先后主持国家重点研发计划项目课题、国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金/面上/青年基金等项目13项。作为核心骨干,参加国家自然科学基金国家重大科研仪器研制项目1项。已发表中英文论文83篇,其中SCI期刊论文51篇(1篇期刊封面文章),撰写英文书章1篇。授权国家发明专利17项,获批软件著作权11项。受邀在亚洲实验力学国际会议(17th ACEM)、电磁学和力学应用国际研讨会(19th ISEM)等国际会议做大会主旨报告4次,获国际会议最佳论文奖1篇。
2013.7-至今 北京工业大学
1. 国基金优青项目,实验固体力学,编号12122201,200万(在研)
2. 国家重点研发计划项目课题,力学性能的智能定量预测方法与模型,编号2018YFF01012303,120万元(已结题)
3. 国基金面上项目,基于巴克豪森噪声与涡流显微镜的磁性薄膜残余应力无损检测方法,编号11872081,75.6万元(已结题)
1. 2019年度北京市“科技新星”
2. 2021年度“国家优青”
3. 2022年度中国特种设备检验协会科学技术奖一等奖(排名9/15)
4. 2022年度中国仪器仪表学会高等教育教学成果奖二等奖(排名3/6)
1. 铁磁零部件力学性能及残余应力的微磁无损检测仪器。研发的多功能微磁仪器基于原创性的“高/低频间歇叠加磁化”新方法设计,能够获取5类磁信号,实现45项磁参量同步传感和超快检测。以仪器为核心,开发了国内首台面向零部件的微磁无损检测系统,核心技术指标优于国际同类型先进仪器,被《科技日报》报道为“国内首台融合机器人、人工智能和微磁检测新原理的力学性能与残余应力无损检测仪器,打破了欧盟国家在该领域的长期技术垄断”。
2. 工程结构缺陷的磁致伸缩超声导波监测技术。发展了结构缺陷的磁致伸缩超声导波检测方法,在核心传感器、仪器研发和工程应用等方面形成了成套技术。开发了已报道的最小体积、最低功耗的磁致伸缩导波监测主机,研发了基于现场组网、5G数据传输及云平台的导波监测系统。研究成果成功应用于电力行业穿墙管道、列车道岔尖轨、石化管道/储罐、斜拉桥索等结构缺陷状态评估。
[1] X X Wang, C F He, P Li, X C Liu*, et al. Micromagnetic and Quantitative Prediction of Surface Hardness in Carbon Steels Based on a Joint Classification-Regression Method[J]. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 2022, 41(3): 62.
[2] H Y Wang, B Wu, X C Liu*, et al. Material optimization of the square composite granular structure composed of viscoelastic spheres for improving the impact mitigation performance[J]. Granular Matter, 2022, 24(3): 77.
[3] S S Yan, Y J Wang, P Li, Z C Gao, B Wu, X C Liu*. Comprehensive Indicators for Evaluating and Seeking Elasto-Magnetic Parameters for High-Performance Cable Force Monitoring[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(20): 7776.
[4] H T Li, B Wu, R Q Tang, Y J Wang, X C Liu*, C F He. Nondestructive evaluation of carburized layer depth in furnace tubes of Cr35Ni45NbMA using magnetic field distortion and magnetic attraction force measurement methods[J]. Measurement, 2022, 191: 110845.
[5] Z X Yan, G M Sun, X C Liu, et al. FilterNet: A deep convolutional neural network for measuring plastic deformation from raw Barkhausen noise waveform[J]. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2022, 555: 169330.
[6] J P Jiao, Y Chang, S Kobayashi, X C Liu, et al. Experimental evaluation and theoretical analysis of the mechanical properties of ferromagnetic materials using the magnetic hysteresis properties[J]. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2022, 554: 169310.
[7] J Y Di, C F He, Y C Lee, X C Liu*. Evaluation of the stress gradient of the superficial layer in ferromagnetic components based on sub-band energy of magnetic Barkhausen noise[J]. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 2022, 37(1): 41-55.
[8] H T Li, X C Liu*, J Y Zhang, et al. Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Complex Defects in Thin Steel Strips with the Imaging Method of Magnetic Field Distortion[J]. Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, 2021, 32(6): 310-322.
[9] N Wang, X C Liu*, J M Yang, et al. Evaluation of the Residual Plastic Deformation in Low-Carbon Steel with the Oscillatory Rotating Eddy Current Method[J]. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 2021, 40: 1-8.
[10] H T Li, X C Liu*, B Wu, et al. Accurate 3D reconstruction of complex defects based on combined method of MFL and MFDs[J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 2021, 32(7): 075402.